Loker Human Capital Trainee Batch 12 di PT Astra International Tbk
Human Capital Trainee Batch 12
PT Astra International Tbk
Detail Pekerjaan
- PendidikanS1
- GenderPria/Wanita
- PengalamanFreshgraduate
- Diposting
- Batas LamaranFebruari 01, 2025
- Lokasi KerjaIndonesia
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
PT Astra International Tbk was established in 1957 in Jakarta as a general trading company under the name Astra International Inc. In 1990, for the purpose of the Companys Initial Public Offering (IPO), the name of the Company changed to PT Astra International Tbk, followed by listing its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange under the ticker code ASII. Market capitalization of Astra as at the end of year 2019 was Rp280.3 trillion.
Pursuant to the articles of association, the Company may engage in the following business activities: general trading, industry, mining, transportation, agriculture, construction, services and consultancy. By 2019, Astra has expanded its business by implementing a business model based on synergies and diversification within seven business segments, consisting of:
1. Automotive
2. Financial Services
3. Heavy Equipment, Mining, Construction, & Energy
4. Agribusiness
5. Infrastructure and Logistics
6. Information Technology
7. Property
With a diversified business, Astra has touched various aspects of the nations life through its products and services. In everyday life, the people of Indonesia use motorcycles and cars, toll roads, printers, as well as financial services, banking and insurance from Astra. Business owners partnering with Astra using a variety of commercial vehicles, heavy equipment, logistics services, information technology systems and mining services from Astra. Many products, including palm oil, coal and motor vehicles continue to be exported, thus allowing Astra to contribute in generating foreign exchange revenues for the country.
Human Capital Trainee Batch 12
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
Human Capital Trainee adalah sebuah program pengembangan ekstensif yang akan memberikan Anda kesempatan untuk menjadi profesional Human Capital yang mumpuni. Selama program 11 bulan (Februari - Desember 2025), Anda akan terekspos kepada beragam peran Human Capital pada bisnis yang berbeda-beda, baik melalui in-class training maupun on-the-job training experience.
- Lulusan baru (fresh graduate) atau maksimal memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman kerja
- Minimum Sarjana (Bachelor Degree) dengan preferensi jurusan sebagai berikut : Teknik Industri, Psikologi, Hukum, Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Hubungan Internasional, Hubungan Masyarakat, Matematika, Statistika
- Memiliki passion kepada people dan Human Capital Management
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh bisnis Perusahaan Grup Astra di seluruh Indonesia
- Profisien dalam berbahasa Inggris, baik tertulis maupun lisan
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan interpersonal yang memadai
- Dinamis dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
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