Semua Label
  • Semua Label
  • /Banjarmasin
  • Accounting
  • Aceh
  • Admin
  • Advisor
  • Analis
  • Asisten
  • Asisten Civil
  • Asisten Traksi
  • Asset Management
  • Audit
  • Auditor
  • Back Office
  • Bali
  • Balikpapan
  • Bandar Jaya
  • Bandar Lampung
  • Bandung
  • Bangka
  • Banjarmasin
  • Bank
  • Banyuasin
  • Banyuwangi
  • Bartender
  • Batam
  • Baturaja
  • Bekasi
  • Belitung
  • Bellboy
  • Bengkulu
  • Bengkulu Utara
  • Bidan
  • Bisnis
  • Bisnis Development
  • Bogor
  • Bukittinggi
  • BUMN
  • Business Executive
  • Business Solution
  • Call Center
  • Captain
  • CDP
  • Checker
  • Chef
  • Cikarang
  • Cimahi
  • Cirebon
  • Civil
  • Collector
  • Consultant
  • Cook
  • CPNS
  • CSSD
  • Customer Service
  • D1
  • D2
  • D3
  • D4
  • Data Collection
  • Denpasar
  • Depok
  • Developer
  • Direktur
  • Dokter
  • Dosen
  • Driver
  • Electrical
  • Empat Lawang
  • Engineering
  • Environment Officer
  • Farmasi
  • FGDP
  • Finance
  • Fisioterapis
  • Flores
  • Foreman
  • Freelance
  • Front Desk
  • Front Office
  • GA
  • Garut
  • Geologist
  • Graphic Design
  • Gresik
  • Guru
  • Head
  • Helper
  • Hotel
  • HRD
  • HSE
  • Indonesia
  • Indramayu
  • Instruktur
  • Instrument Officer
  • Internship
  • IT
  • Jakarta
  • Jambi
  • Jambi dan Jawa Barat
  • Jawa barat
  • Jawa tengah
  • Jawa timur
  • Jayapura
  • Jember
  • Jogja
  • Jogjakarta
  • Jointer
  • Kalimantan
  • Kalimantan Utara
  • Kameramen
  • Kasir
  • Kendari
  • Kerani
  • Koordinator
  • Lahat
  • Lampung
  • Leader
  • Legal
  • Logistic
  • Lubuklinggau
  • MA
  • Madiun
  • Maintenance
  • Makassar
  • Malang
  • Mamuju
  • Manado
  • Manager
  • Mandor
  • Manokwari
  • Marcomm
  • Marketing
  • Mataram
  • Medan
  • Medical Representative
  • Mekanik
  • Merchandiser
  • Metro
  • Mine Control Center
  • MT
  • Muara Bungo
  • Muara Enim
  • Muratara
  • Musi Banyuasin
  • Musi Rawas
  • Musirawas
  • Musirawas Utara
  • Nusa Tenggara
  • OB
  • Officer
  • Ogan Ilir
  • OKI
  • OKU
  • OKU Selatan
  • OKU Timur
  • Operasional
  • Operation
  • Operator
  • Operator Bulldozer
  • Operator CMT
  • Operator Compactor
  • Operator Excavator
  • Operator Hauler
  • Operator Sterilizer
  • Padang
  • Pagar Alam
  • Palembang
  • Pali
  • Palopo
  • Palu
  • Pangkal Pinang
  • Paramedic
  • Pariaman
  • Pasaman
  • Pasuruan
  • Pekanbaru
  • Pendaftaran
  • Perawat
  • Pontianak
  • PPPK
  • Prabumulih
  • Pramuniaga
  • Process Officer
  • Production Operator
  • Programmer
  • Public Relations
  • QC
  • Refraksi Optisi
  • Rekam Medis
  • Relationship Officer
  • Representatif Officer
  • Resident Medical Officer
  • Retail Funding
  • Riau
  • Risk Management
  • RS
  • S1
  • S2
  • Sales
  • Samarinda
  • SD
  • SDP
  • Security
  • Semarang
  • Serang
  • Sidoarjo
  • SMA
  • SMK
  • SMP
  • Solo
  • Solok
  • SPG
  • Staff Project
  • Sukabumi
  • Sulawesi
  • Sumatera Barat
  • Sumatera Selatan
  • Sumatera Utara
  • Sumba
  • Sumenep
  • Supervisor
  • Surabaya
  • Surveyor
  • Sustainability
  • Tambang
  • Tangerang
  • Tanjung Enim
  • Tata Usaha
  • Technical
  • Teknik Sipil
  • Teknisi
  • Teller
  • Terapis
  • Tips
  • Tire Management
  • Trainer
  • Turn Knife Operator
  • Tyreman
  • Waiter
  • Waitress
  • Warehouse
  • Welder
  • Yogya
  • Yogyakarta

Loker Sales Executive & Executive Public Relation di The Zuri Hotel

Sales Executive & Executive Public Relation

The Zuri Hotel

Detail Pekerjaan

  • GenderPria/Wanita
  • PengalamanMin. 2 tahun
  • Diposting
  • Batas LamaranSeptember 30, 2024
  • Lokasi KerjaPalembang

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Sales Executive


  • Indonesian, good health, good appearance and grooming Excellent command in both written and spoken English
  • Hands-on, result oriented and possess an excellent communication skills A minimum of 2 years experience in a similar position in Hotel Industry Acting as a point of contact between customers and companies Negotiating terms of sales and agreements and closing sales with customers Gathering market and customer information to figure out the customer needs Providing customers with detailed and accurate quotations and cost calculations Having a complete vaccine Covid-19's certification

Executive Public Relation


  • Indonesian, good health, good appearance and grooming Excellent command in both written and spoken English
  • Hands-on, result oriented and possess an excellent communication skills A minimum of 2 years experience in a similar position in Hotel Industry Participate in social events, corporate events and workshops
  • Able to do a design with any software such as Adobe and etc
  • Understand and know how to handle the photography equipment Build and maintain good relationships, communication and collaboration with media partner community
  • Having a complete vaccine Covid-19's certification


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