Semua Label
  • Semua Label
  • /Banjarmasin
  • Accounting
  • Aceh
  • Admin
  • Advisor
  • Analis
  • Asisten
  • Asisten Civil
  • Asisten Traksi
  • Asset Management
  • Audit
  • Auditor
  • Back Office
  • Bali
  • Balikpapan
  • Bandar Jaya
  • Bandar Lampung
  • Bandung
  • Bangka
  • Banjarmasin
  • Bank
  • Banyuasin
  • Banyuwangi
  • Bartender
  • Batam
  • Baturaja
  • Bekasi
  • Belitung
  • Bellboy
  • Bengkulu
  • Bengkulu Utara
  • Bidan
  • Bisnis
  • Bisnis Development
  • Bogor
  • Bukittinggi
  • BUMN
  • Business Executive
  • Business Solution
  • Call Center
  • Captain
  • CDP
  • Checker
  • Chef
  • Cikarang
  • Cimahi
  • Cirebon
  • Civil
  • Collector
  • Consultant
  • Cook
  • CPNS
  • CSSD
  • Customer Service
  • D1
  • D2
  • D3
  • D4
  • Data Collection
  • Denpasar
  • Depok
  • Developer
  • Direktur
  • Dokter
  • Dosen
  • Driver
  • Electrical
  • Empat Lawang
  • Engineering
  • Environment Officer
  • Farmasi
  • FGDP
  • Finance
  • Fisioterapis
  • Flores
  • Foreman
  • Freelance
  • Front Desk
  • Front Office
  • GA
  • Garut
  • Geologist
  • Graphic Design
  • Gresik
  • Guru
  • Head
  • Helper
  • Hotel
  • HRD
  • HSE
  • Indonesia
  • Indramayu
  • Instruktur
  • Instrument Officer
  • Internship
  • IT
  • Jakarta
  • Jambi
  • Jambi dan Jawa Barat
  • Jawa barat
  • Jawa tengah
  • Jawa timur
  • Jayapura
  • Jember
  • Jogja
  • Jogjakarta
  • Jointer
  • Kalimantan
  • Kalimantan Utara
  • Kameramen
  • Kasir
  • Kendari
  • Kerani
  • Koordinator
  • Lahat
  • Lampung
  • Leader
  • Legal
  • Logistic
  • Lubuklinggau
  • MA
  • Madiun
  • Maintenance
  • Makassar
  • Malang
  • Mamuju
  • Manado
  • Manager
  • Mandor
  • Manokwari
  • Marcomm
  • Marketing
  • Mataram
  • Medan
  • Medical Representative
  • Mekanik
  • Merchandiser
  • Metro
  • Mine Control Center
  • MT
  • Muara Bungo
  • Muara Enim
  • Muratara
  • Musi Banyuasin
  • Musi Rawas
  • Musirawas
  • Musirawas Utara
  • Nusa Tenggara
  • OB
  • Officer
  • Ogan Ilir
  • OKI
  • OKU
  • OKU Selatan
  • OKU Timur
  • Operasional
  • Operation
  • Operator
  • Operator Bulldozer
  • Operator CMT
  • Operator Compactor
  • Operator Excavator
  • Operator Hauler
  • Operator Sterilizer
  • Padang
  • Pagar Alam
  • Palembang
  • Pali
  • Palopo
  • Palu
  • Pangkal Pinang
  • Paramedic
  • Pariaman
  • Pasaman
  • Pasuruan
  • Pekanbaru
  • Pendaftaran
  • Perawat
  • Pontianak
  • PPPK
  • Prabumulih
  • Pramuniaga
  • Process Officer
  • Production Operator
  • Programmer
  • Public Relations
  • QC
  • Refraksi Optisi
  • Rekam Medis
  • Relationship Officer
  • Representatif Officer
  • Resident Medical Officer
  • Retail Funding
  • Riau
  • Risk Management
  • RS
  • S1
  • S2
  • Sales
  • Samarinda
  • SD
  • SDP
  • Security
  • Semarang
  • Serang
  • Sidoarjo
  • SMA
  • SMK
  • SMP
  • Solo
  • Solok
  • SPG
  • Staff Project
  • Sukabumi
  • Sulawesi
  • Sumatera Barat
  • Sumatera Selatan
  • Sumatera Utara
  • Sumba
  • Sumenep
  • Supervisor
  • Surabaya
  • Surveyor
  • Sustainability
  • Tambang
  • Tangerang
  • Tanjung Enim
  • Tata Usaha
  • Technical
  • Teknik Sipil
  • Teknisi
  • Teller
  • Terapis
  • Tips
  • Tire Management
  • Trainer
  • Turn Knife Operator
  • Tyreman
  • Waiter
  • Waitress
  • Warehouse
  • Welder
  • Yogya
  • Yogyakarta

Shopee & SeaMoney Graduate Development Program 2025

Graduate Development Program (GDP)

Shopee & SeaMoney

Detail Pekerjaan

  • PendidikanS1, S2
  • GenderPria/Wanita
  • PengalamanMahasiswa Tingkat Akhir, Fresh Graduate - Maks. 2 tahun
  • Diposting
  • Batas LamaranOktober 15, 2024
  • Lokasi KerjaIndonesia

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Shopee dan SeaMoney menawarkan berbagai program yang dirancang untuk mereka yang ingin memberikan dampak melalui teknologi dan menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin industri ini di masa depan. Temukan kecocokanmu dalam program pascasarjana dan program sarjana yang kami miliki di seluruh wilayah.

Tentang Tim:

The Graduate Development Program (GDP) is a 2-year program designed for passionate graduate talents to deep-dive into various business functions, pivotal to the e-commerce and digital financial services landscape at Shopee and SeaMoney. 

Graduates will undergo four thoughtfully curated rotations, each spanning 6 months. By the end of the program, you can expect to gain experiences in driving high-impact local projects, and possess a holistic view of the business. Applications are open from 15 August 2024 to 15 October 2024.

For more information, please visit: 

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

1) About Shopee

Shopee is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia & Taiwan. Shopee promotes an inclusive and sustainable digital ecosystem by enabling businesses to digitalise and grow their online presence, helping more people access and benefit from digital services, and uplifting local communities.

Shopee offers an easy, secure, and engaging experience that is enjoyed by millions of people daily. Shopee is also a key contributor to the region’s digital economy with a firm commitment to helping homegrown brands and entrepreneurs succeed in e-commerce.

2) About SeaMoney

SeaMoney is a leading digital payments and financial services provider in Southeast Asia. Our mission is to better the lives of individuals and businesses in our region with financial services through technology. 

SeaMoney’s products and services span across Payments, Financing, and Digital Banking. Key products and services such as ShopeePay, SPayLater, and SeaBank are available in markets across Southeast Asia and Taiwan.

3) Experience Growth Opportunities

Mentorship & Development

Get ample opportunities to network with senior leaders and receive direct guidance from functional managers throughout rotations to maximise growth.

Cross-Functional Exposure

Enhance your business acumen and harness a wide range of technical and soft skills through job rotations across key functions.

Comprehensive Training Curriculum

Explore your professional interests, strengthen your capabilities and develop yourself through on-the-job learning and training opportunities.

Highly Impactful & Meaningful Projects

Make an impact and leave your mark in Shopee and SeaMoney by contributing to high visibility projects across your rotations.

Enriching #LifeAtShopee and #LifeAtSeaMoney Experience

Connect and grow with the graduate community, peers across teams, and senior leaders. 

4) Rotation Opportunities

  • Business Development
  • Business Intelligence
  • Financial Products
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Product Management

And more!

5) What Is The Selection Process?

Shortlisted candidates will go through a rigorous selection process with our recruitment and management teams. 

  • Application: 15 August 2024 – 15 October 2024
  • Online Assessment: August – November
  • Behavioural Interview: August – November
  • Group Case Assessment: October – November
  • Interview with Senior Leaders: November – December


  • 3rd to final year Bachelor's degree or Master's degree students, and fresh graduates in any discipline with no more than 2 years of full-time work experience in any industry (as of October 15, 2024)
  • Fast learner who is resourceful and driven to tackle challenges in a dynamic environment
  • Self-starter who is determined to lead change and make a real impact
  • Effective communicator who is clear in putting across thoughts and ideas
  • Leader who can influence people towards the achievement of goals


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